Because co-parenting coordination is a relatively new process/profession, there is not very much literature available.  There are however two excellent books, that outline in detail, to mental health professionals, how to provide co-parenting coordination services.  They are:

Working With High-Conflict Families of Divorce: A Guide for Professionals, by Baris, M., Coates, C., Duvall, B., Garrity, C., Johnson, E., LaCrosse, E. (2001) (link to cover, Contents, and Preface).

The Psychotherapist as Parent Coordinator in High-Conflict Divorce: Strategies and Techniques, by Susan M. Boyan and Ann Marie Termini (2004) (link to Haworth Press' Product Details).

These two books are the only ones available that specifically detail the process of co-parenting coordination.  Two other books that are important resources for professionals providing co-parenting coordination services are:

In the Name of the Child: A Developmental Approach to Understanding and Helping Children of Conflicted and Violent Divorce, by Janet R. Johnston, Ph.D. and Vivienne Roseby, Ph.D. (1997). (link to cover, Contents, and Preface)

Impasses of Divorce: The Dynamics and Resolution of Family Conflict, by Janet R. Johnston, Ph.D. and Linda E. G. Campbell (1988). (link to Contents and Foreword)

If anyone has other books that they would like to recommend, please contact us.